Thursday, January 22, 2009



Since the last post went immediately to where it belonged, I am grudgingly going to give FeedBurner another day to prove itself useful.

So far it's been a 48-hour+ bad, bad, first impression.

So. Make with the goods, Google!

Image: some random intarweb chick shaking her fist. Possibly at FeedBurner, possibly at Microsoft, maybe at George W Bush? I dunno. Sorry about all the venting here of late. It is just that. And yeah, I'm aware that shaking one's fist at a free service is a bit like ordering a low-fat soymilk decaffeinated iced mochaccino with artificial sugar, dairy-free whipped cream, and a carob stick instead of the chocolate wafer... and then complaining that it tastes bad.

Perhaps I should blame Canadia*! Yeah. Just as effective, but far more satisfying.


* "Canadia" is not a type-oh.

Oh yeah! Before I forget. I laughed. It was a geek thing. Red (aka Deimos) was having huge issues with access to his website. Ports, IPs, NATs, router, his ISP, and apache were all suspects because he couldn't connect externally to his home-hosted site. During his investigation a lot of us were throwing suggestions and helping troubleshoot. And then he says...

[Red] So, I don't understand intertubes much..
[Elisa] you put them inside the tyres on your bike, duh
[Qwyxzl] teh intarwebz are for porn, Red. That is all you need to know.

...haha imagine something in that came up in a weird search! hahaha

* goes to watch the internet is for porn for the billionth time *

* laughs, and then recoils in horror as her 12 and 13yo sing along *

* poofs*

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